Rites of life
Baptism, Weddings, Funerals, and Confirmation
Sacraments are outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace. Baptism and Eucharist are the two great sacraments given by Christ to his church. The Episcopal Church recognizes five other sacramental rites, including Confirmation, Ordination, Holy Matrimony, Reconciliation of a Penitent, and Unction (the anointing of the sick with oil, or the laying on of hands). We would love to share these important moments with you.

Holy Baptism
Holy Baptism is one of the primary sacraments of The Episcopal Church. Through full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit we become members of Christ’s Body, the Church.
In the case of infants, promises are made for them by their parents and sponsors, who guarantee that the infants will be brought up within the Church, to know Christ and be able to follow him. Older children and adults enter into the Baptismal Covenant for themselves.
There is no fee for Holy Baptism.
To schedule Holy Baptism at Grace, please fill out the form HERE.
We believe that “marriage is intended by God for mutual joy.” We welcome couples of all genders and sexual orientations to be married at Grace.
For more information please contact our Parish Office to arrange to meet with Rev. Deb.

When someone dies, it is important for family and the church community to gather, pray for the soul of the one who has died, and give thanks to God for the gift of that life. The information at this link will assist you in planning a funeral or memorial service at Grace. For a list of our fees, go to this link.
Confirmation, Reaffirmation, and Reception are the sacramental rites through which we affirm our baptism vows. At Grace we have the opportunity to participate in them in three different ways: every two years when the Bishop visits Grace; once annually at the diocesan Confirmations at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, or at the annual Eco-Confirmations through the diocese.