Fellowship and fun
We love to spend time together and we would love for you to join us! From the traditional (Halloween treats!) to the more offbeat (Pandemic Drive-in movies!) there are lots of opportunities for us to get to know one another outside of worship!

Coffee Hour
Parishioners volunteer to provide refreshments following the 9 a.m. service on Sundays. This gives the adults a chance to catch up and the children a chance to exert some energy on our playground! Contact Tina Reich for more information.
Youth Group
Youth Group is available to all middle school and high school youth and meets monthly for activities such as trips to the Maker Faire, movie nights, game nights, pizza and conversation nights, and participates in diocesan youth events like Nightwatch at the Cathedral. Contact Theo White-Spenik for more information.

Book Group
The Grace Book Group meets on the third Wednesday of the month and is open to anyone who is interested. Books are selected by the group each month. Discussions seldom delve into deep literary analysis -- they are more of a sharing of likes and dislikes of the book, a springboard into points of personal interest, current events, spirituality, etc. The group enjoys this fellowship time together. Contact Jennifer Sabroe for more information.

Drive-In Movies
Our parishioners didn't let the pandemic keep us from having movie night together. We just put an inflatable screen up on our atrium, piped in the sound to our cars and had a drive-in! It was so much fun we saw no need to stop when the distancing restrictions were lifted!
St. Patrick's Day Dinner
A long-standing annual tradition at Grace, our St. Patrick's Day Dinner includes corned beef and cabbage, dancing, and a great deal of fun!

Another Annual Grace event, Oktoberfest is a heart and belly-warming fall social.
Rally Day/Back-to-School Sunday
“Rally Day,” is a carnival in early September that celebrates the beginning our Godly Play year.

Annual Picnic
Every year the entire congregation takes it off-campus to a local park to barbecue and play bocce.
All Hallows Eve Party
An “All Hallow’s Eve” party that brings out the ghosties and ghoulies for games, creepy treats, and a haunted house.

Christmas Events
From a traditional Christmas pageant to Lessons and Carols to tree trimming we love Christmas at Grace!
Recognition Sunday
Recognition Sunday occurs near the end of the school year when we recognize graduates, special service, and our many amazing volunteers!

Thanksgiving Feast
Each year (with the exception of 2020 and 2021 when we were unable to do so safely due to COVID 19 restrictions) Grace hosts a community Thanksgiving Dinner. ALL are welcome!
From time to time members of Grace are invited to attend fundraisers for other nonprofit organizations like The Episcopal Impact Fund who support efforts to do God's work in the world.