Worship at Grace
We offer many opportunities to worship together

Holy Eucharist
The Episcopal Church is sacramental, meaning our primary worship is centered around a celebration and remembrance of Jesus's gift of Holy Communion (or Eucharist).
Everyone is welcome to receive the bread and wine (communion) in the Episcopal Diocese of California.
Our liturgy comes from The Book of Common Prayer and other liturgical resources of the Episcopal Church, like the Enriching Our Worship series.
Our 9:30 a.m. service is family-friendly, and includes music with our choir.
For more information about what our Sunday services are like, go to our "Frequently asked questions" link.

Morning Prayer
In many times and places, daybreak has been a time of prayer. Jews prayed in their synagogues at sunrise as well as at other times each day. This Jewish pattern of prayer formed the basis of the Christian monastic Daily Office, with its prayers or "hours" at seven times in each day.
Morning Prayer once was the chief Sunday service in most Anglican churches on three out of four Sundays, the First Sunday usually being a celebration of Holy Communion. This practice has not continued because the eucharist has been recognized as the "principal act of Christian worship on the Lord's Day."
At Grace we currently hold a Morning Prayer service by Zoom at this link on Wednesday and here on Friday mornings. Both services are at 10 a.m.

Evening Prayer
The service of Evening Prayer in the Anglican tradition has existed in our prayer book since 1552. Including an anthem for the lighting of the evening fire and prayers for safety during the night, Evening Prayer is the perfect opportunity to take the measure of your day and let go of your cares in the presence of God.
At Grace we currently hold an Evening Prayer service by Zoom at this link on Monday at 6:30 p.m.

Music is incorporated into our primary Sunday service in the form of Choral Eucharist. One Sunday per month we have a Family Service which simpler and more familiar music with different instrumentation. We have both adult and children's choirs.
Our Music Director, Arthur Omura, is an accomplished organist, harpsichordist, and composer. He not only directs our worship music in collaboration with our choir but we often enjoy hearing him in concert as well. You can hear his music at this link. You can email Arthur here.

Evensong is a version of the Evening Prayer service in which many (if not all) of the prayers, songs, and canticles are chanted or sung rather than spoken. It is a beautiful, meditative service that has seen a resurgence in popularity in the 21st century. You can hear a recorded version of Evensong at Grace at this link.

Special services
Our liturgical calendar is marked by seasons, all of which include holy days and special feast days. We honor these with special events and both traditional and updated services (like Ashes to Go on Ash Wednesday).