Leadership at Grace Episcopal Church Martinez
Pleased to meet you!

The Very Rev. Deborah White, PhD
Rev. Deb was sponsored for ordination by Christ Episcopal Church in Alameda. She previously served as the Interim Co-Rector of the Episcopal Church of St. Mary the Virgin, which is a large urban parish in San Francisco, and as the Associate Rector of St. Clement’s Episcopal Church in Berkeley, a Rite I congregation. Rev. Deb is the Regional Dean for the Contra Costa Deanery, and a member of the General Convention Deputation of the Diocese of California.
Rev. Deb previously served the Diocese of California as the President of the Standing Committee, Secretary of the Executive Council, and on the boards of Grace Cathedral and The Episcopal Impact Fund, a Diocesan Institution.
Rev. Deb hails from the northeast. In addition to her Master of Divinity degree, she holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature and Theatre and Dance, a Master of Social Work degree, and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. Rev. Deb has worked in broadcasting, with chronically mentally ill people on the streets of Baltimore, in the California state prison system, for the Departments of Mental Health in Massachusetts and California, and as a forensic psychological expert witness. Deb is married to Gary Spenik, a Project Manager and retired U.S. Coast Guard officer. She has two adult children. You can email Reverend Deb here.