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Lent at Grace

Writer's picture: Deborah WhiteDeborah White

Updated: Feb 28, 2023

From the early days of our faith, Christians have observed the remembrance of Christ’s passion and resurrection with great reverence. It became the custom to prepare for that observance by a season of prayer and fasting, and the reconciliation of those who had been separated from the community of faith. By keeping the season of Lent, we take to heart God’s call to repentance and the assurance of forgiveness proclaimed in the gospel, and practice in our daily lives the work of reconciliation.

Lent services at Grace

Sundays during Lent:

9:30 a.m. Choral Eucharist with Litany of Penitence

Wednesdays during Lent:

10 a.m. Morning Prayer followed by Lenten Bible Study

April 2, Palm Sunday

9:30 a.m. Choral Eucharist with Blessing and Procession of the Palms

April 6, Maundy Thursday,

6 p.m. Dinner in the Parish Hall, followed by Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar in the Sanctuary

April 6-April 7, Gethsemane Watch

Beginning at 8 pm on Maundy Thursday. Sign up for our annual Gethsemane Watch. We try to stay awake with Jesus from the end of the Maundy Thursday service (approximately 8 pm) until the first Good Friday service (noon). Take a one hour (or more) slot to pray, sing, meditate or think about your relationship with God as you symbolically stay awake with Jesus on the last night before his crucifixion. Open slots begin at 9 pm. Please sign up here .

April 6, Gethsemane Watch Concert

8 pm, This year during the first hour of the watch we will have a concert of Lenten music in the Sanctuary with our Music Director Arthur Omura and our soprano soloist Stacey Helley.

April 7, Good Friday:

12 p.m. - Stations of the Cross

7 p.m. - Good Friday Liturgy

April 8, Holy Saturday

11 a.m. Holy Saturday Liturgy

8:30 p.m. Easter Vigil with the Exsultet and Lighting of the Paschal Candle.

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