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Vestry Minutes for July 12, 2022

Sarah Williams

Updated: Aug 7, 2022

Present: The Reverend Dr. Deborah White (Rector), Amelia Brooks (Sr. Warden), Liz Charlton, Chandra Damele, Amy Eudy, Ann Fisher, Dru Grissom, Sally Hanson

Absent: Shannon Kleinschmit (Jr. Warden), Jane Ramsey

Guests: Jennifer Sabroe, Sarah Williams, Parish Administrator

M/S/C denotes motion made, seconded and carried. The names following M/S/C in parentheses denote the persons who made the motion and seconded it.

Call to Order and Opening Prayer. The meeting was called to order at 6:42 p.m. and led in prayer by Rev. Deb.

Bible Study. The group read and discussed Amos 5:14-24.

Consent Agenda. It was M/S/C (Amy Eudy/Ann Fisher) to approve the consent agenda items as follows: Rector’s report, Agenda, Minutes of the June meeting, Treasurer’s report, Senior Warden’s report.



Outreach (Service) Dru reported that there is nothing new.

Worship and Liturgy Sally and Rev. Deb reported that we recently had a double funeral and a double baptism. There is another funeral planned for August 6.

Welcoming Ann reported that she and Jennifer are returning to the notes from last summer, from Tina. They will meet soon to make a plan. The vestry discussed the protocol for welcoming unvaccinated people to worship – help them to log in to the simulcast and find the bulletin through the Q/R code, then seat them in the Atrium.

Education Chandra reported that this month’s Faithful Forum is with Barbara Brooks’s writing group. John Lee will speak in August about end-of-life planning. In September, Liz Charlton will be presenting. In October, we will have a presentation by Victoria Bevins on the training of service dogs for people with diabetes. All these will be on the third Sunday of the month (which is also Family Sunday).

In the summer there is child care for small children, and Godly Play will resume in the fall.

Parish Life Amy reported that the barbecue this coming Sunday has been planned. Stan will shop for items to grill, Faith and Amy will buy the buns and sodas (including a gluten-free bun if possible). Church Merch orders have closed and Amy is finishing the items. Jes Senn has an idea for an event. Amy is planning the next trivia night, as well as a barbecue with the new neighbors.

Pastoral Care Liz reported on calls she has made, and she and Rev. Deb gave other updates on how parishioners are doing.

Stewardship Liz reported that she and Jane are working together to create a plan.

Building and Grounds

Parking lot lights – Dick Evans has adopted the project to fix the lights, with assistance from Gary Spenik.

Labyrinth – Amelia reported that she hopes by the next vestry meeting to have spoken with the organization that installed the labyrinth at Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church.

Trees – Rev. Deb reported that there are more dead trees. Liz wonders about hiring an arborist to help us make a plan instead of dealing with the problem tree by tree. Rev. Deb said she supported this plan and asked if Liz was willing to take this work on while our Junior Warden, Shannon Kleinschmidt, prepares for his wife’s deployment.

Water bill – Liz is still working on figuring out whether we are paying too much for water. Rev. Deb reported that the usage has gone way down since we put locks on the outdoor taps.

St. Christopher’s Guild

Rev. Deb reported that she spoke to both the vice president and president of the Guild, and everyone saw the lovely response from President Jo-Ann Lee. Once the funds are moved into the church’s bank account, Rev. Deb will seek the Guild’s direction on the use of the money.

Social media help Amy reminded Rev. Deb to send her the passwords for the social media accounts. Rev. Deb did it immediately. Amy and Faith have agreed to work on this.


Safety concerns

After three recent events – the shooting at the Episcopal parish in Alabama, an email about credible threats against Episcopal churches, and a threatening incident at a local UCC church – Rev. Deb and the Senior Warden decided to discuss church security with the vestry.

The vestry discussed improvements we could make. There could be training for staff and some volunteers, changes to the greeter protocol and scheduling, and/or general education for the congregation. Our security system is good for the times that we are not at the church, in addition to a “panic button” option that allows us to contact the company quickly in an emergency.

The vestry decided to begin with a Faithful Forum offering general education to the congregation. Ann offered to contact the Martinez police. Amy said she would review the information provided by the diocese. It was decided not to poll or alert the congregation about the issue at this time.

DISMISSAL Rev. Walter dismissed the meeting at 8:23 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Williams

Parish Administrator

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